Financial stability of the enterprise: national aspect

  • Элеонора Викторовна Исаева
Keywords: financial stability, enterprise, subject of the Russian Federation, federal district of the Russian Federation, fixed assets, gross regional product, matrix


Purpose: given the decline in gross domestic product (GDP) growth (in constant prices) in the Russian Federation in 2000-2011, high and increasing degree of wear of fixed assets, and therefore little actual growth, urgent consideration of financial stability of the enterprise in the national aspect. Discussion: the company's financial stability is characteristic, in many respects defines (when considering together the activities of business entities - enterprises) national development. Results: this study proposes the feature of financial stability at the national level, the classification of Federal districts, depending on the generated volume of the gross regional product (GRP), volume of fixed assets, developed the matrix of Federal districts on the basis of the generated GRP and volume of fixed assets, allowing you to select the types of Federal districts and identify those requiring urgent managerial decisions aimed at the preservation and increase of net assets over time.


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How to Cite
Исаева, Э. В. (2015). Financial stability of the enterprise: national aspect. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 49-62. Retrieved from
Financial Economics