Innovative organizational and economic method of improving training and education of youth

  • Сергей Сергеевич Радченко
Keywords: economic problems of education, improvement of training, education, occupational safety and youth employment


Purpose: article is devoted to problems of the improvement of training, education, occupational safety and youth employment in a market economy and the budget deficit. Discussion: the article shows the urgency of these problems and the need for their integrated solutions, as traditional methods are expensive and not effective enough. The author offers an innovative organizational and economic method to quickly improve the situation even without the additional financial costs of schools and universities and change curricula and programs of work through more effective cooperation between the university and its innovative firm with interested parents and schools. Results: the author has designed and prepared for mass use of cost-effective method of improving training, education, occupational safety and training of students and pupils for employment and career success through more effective use of the potential parents, schools and university.


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How to Cite
Радченко, С. С. (2015). Innovative organizational and economic method of improving training and education of youth. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 74-86. Retrieved from