Human potential in the economic growth factors humanization

  • Татьяна Дмитриевна Ромащенко
  • Оксана Васильевна Титова
  • Анна Евгеньевна Кисова
Keywords: economic growth, factors of economic growth, human potential


Purpose: the article is devoted to defining the role of human capital in the economic growth factors. Discussion: the authors argue that the modernization of all aspects of social life involves the development of the main resource of economic progress - human as well as continuous reproduction of his abilities and capabilities. This problem is updated due to the fact that the determining factors in the development of the world economy and national economies in modern conditions become human and labor potential. Results: the authors conducted a structural analysis of the content, quality and quantity of human development, the features of its formation and functioning. Also considered is the categorical nature of human potential as a combination of various types of economic, social and institutional relations that arise between the subjects of the economy over the formation, distribution and use of all elements of human development with the aim of quantitative and qualitative transformation of socioeconomic system.


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How to Cite
Ромащенко, Т. Д., Титова, О. В., & Кисова, А. Е. (2015). Human potential in the economic growth factors humanization. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 106-114. Retrieved from
Economic Development and Growth