Tax control: issues and ways of improving

  • Елена Рудольфовна Мингазинова
Keywords: tax control, analytical tools, risk-based approach, criteria, tax audit, budget revenues


Purpose: reveal problems in tax control in the Russian Federation, its planning approaches and realization. Discussion: we analyzed the tax control effectiveness, and the role of this function in the government budget revenues formation by the RF FTS. Results: the author considers some problem areas of the tax control produced by tax authorities using special analytical tools. We also discussed some risk-oriented approaches based on the government tax policy which and its influence on further tax control system enhance as well as providing a stable level of budget revenues.


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How to Cite
Мингазинова, Е. Р. (2015). Tax control: issues and ways of improving. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 27-36. Retrieved from
Financial Economics