Intra-firm mechanism of regulation of economic relations of reproduction of the human capital

  • Юлия Александровна Саломахина
Keywords: human capital, management mechanism, intra-firm mechanism of regulation of economic relations of reproduction of the human capital


Purpose: in this article we reveal the structure of the intra-firm mechanism of regulation of the economic relations of reproduction of the human capital, its elements, methods, tools as forms of manifestation of these relations. Discussion: author uses reproduction approach which gives the chance to investigate the material contents (subjects, objects, methods and instruments of regulation) and a public form of the intra-firm mechanism of regulation. Results: the objective and subjective mechanism which needs to be created and used in economic activity of society is offered. Need of improvement of this intra-firm mechanism of regulation of the economic relations is proved.


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How to Cite
Саломахина, Ю. А. (2015). Intra-firm mechanism of regulation of economic relations of reproduction of the human capital. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 83-90. Retrieved from
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