Estimation of structural shifts in economics for energy consumption value added

  • Алексей Иванович Шинкевич
  • Татьяна Витальевна Малышева
Keywords: energy consumption, value added, the structure of the economy, index method


Purpose: the article is devoted to the key areas of energy strategy, encouraging more efficient use of energy resources, intensive growth of production. Discussion: we analyzed key factors affecting the level and dynamics of energy intensity of the economy. Method for constructing a system of three inter-related indexes is proposed as a tool to study changes in the average values of energy consumption. Results: the degree of the impact of structural changes on the dynamics of the energy effectiveness of Tatarstan economy is estimated, as well as the dependence of the level of energy consumption in the value added.


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How to Cite
Шинкевич, А. И., & Малышева, Т. В. (2015). Estimation of structural shifts in economics for energy consumption value added. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 123-129. Retrieved from
Industrial Economics