The content and model of the system of regional development

  • Денис Евгеньевич Лаптев
Keywords: region, model, system, development, management


Purpose: in this study we make an attempt to disclose the structure of the mechanism of regional development with regard to the requirements and challenges of the current stage of development: high level of inter-regional differentiation, the negative trends of economic nature. Discussion: the structure of the mechanism of regional development are studied by many researchers, so there are some discussed elements in the considered methodology such as conceptual framework, methodology, subjects and objects of management; principles of management; objectives and requirements for the control mechanism. Results: the article shows the importance of improvement of mechanisms of regional development at the present stage. We detailed the concept of region. There is proposed vision system model of regional development.


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How to Cite
Лаптев, Д. Е. (2015). The content and model of the system of regional development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 149-156. Retrieved from
Regional Economics