Matrix model of stakeholders interaction in the concept of the balanced development of the region

  • Дмитрий Александрович Литвинов
Keywords: indicator, stakeholders, project management, process management approach, programmatically-target approach to management, balanced development of the region, public-private partnership


Purpose: аrticle is devoted to key trends the management of regional development. Promising management mechanisms in the implementation of regional policy in view of consolidating the efforts of stakeholders with further development the control system comprised a group of innovations in governance across the region are presented. Discussion: identification of a group of factors influenced on the balanced region development model paid attention to creation management structure corresponding to the common key stakeholders policy. Results: оn the basis of a project management, process management and system of indicators we produce new management structure that can be used as a theory and as a technique for creating a balanced control schemes in the consolidation efforts of key stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Литвинов, Д. А. (2015). Matrix model of stakeholders interaction in the concept of the balanced development of the region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 157-164. Retrieved from
Regional Economics