Phases of social reproduction, the relationship of material and cost factors

  • Мария Евгеньевна Листопад
  • Григорий Викторович Деружинский
  • Дмитрий Александрович Королев


Purpose: this article is devoted to theoretical and methodological aspects of social reproduction, demonstration of the interdependence of its material-material and cost factors. Discussion: public reproduction is a reproduction of the scale of society, which means endless restoration of macroeconomic phenomena and processes, including their quantitative and qualitative parameters, and thus reflects the changes in the socio-economic system. To date very important to have a long-term welfare of the accumulated results. Number of goods consumed during the year is not only produced in the year of consumer goods, but also of the previously created. Opportunities for the development of production is directly dependent on the level of educational potential, the level of the scientific base of society, etc. That is why the calculation and analysis of national wealth as a result of many years of reproduction are becoming more and more relevant. Results: it is proved that national wealth is both a result and a prerequisite of production.


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How to Cite
Листопад, М. Е., Деружинский, Г. В., & Королев, Д. А. (2015). Phases of social reproduction, the relationship of material and cost factors. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 47-58. Retrieved from
Industrial Economics