Development of methodical approaches to marketing companies to staff

  • Владимир Викторович Щербак
  • Милана Николаевна Ванян
  • Егор Евгеньевич Пономаренко
Keywords: enterprise personnel, marketing, marketing personnel, principles of marketing staff


Purpose: this article is devoted to discussion of such an important part of the methodological basis of the marketing impact on staff as a system of principles. Discussion: the implementation of measures providing marketing personnel, the company ensures sustainable development through enhanced marketing interaction with all stakeholders of the corporate system. In other words, increase of the effectiveness of this interaction is possible due to the modernization of the traditional system of principles for the organization of marketing activities by bringing into it elements of relationship marketing. Results: the author has proposed an approach to the formation of the principles of organization of the enterprise marketing activity, characterized by taking into account the specificity of the marketing impact on staff, and providing translations of conceptual provisions of relationship marketing into practice.


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How to Cite
Щербак, В. В., Ванян, М. Н., & Пономаренко, Е. Е. (2015). Development of methodical approaches to marketing companies to staff. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 109-115. Retrieved from