Economic growth and increasing energy efficiency in modern Russia: relationship, data analysis and prospects (on the example of the Southern macro-region)

  • Шамам Гарниковна Хуршудян
Keywords: economic growth, energy efficiency, energy intensity of gross regional product, upgrading the grid complex, the Smart Grid technology


The article have found out the interdependence of economic growth and increased energy efficiency. Methods of correlation and regression analysis were used to study the statistical link between the indicators of energy efficiency and economic growth - the GRP electricity intensity and volume of the gross product for the Russian Federation, Federal districts and regions of the SFD and NCFD. It was defined and justified that the priority direction for the regions of Southern Russia is to improve the energy efficiency of the economy, based on upgrading the grid infrastructure by the technological platform Smart Grid, which will create necessary prerequisites for the economic growth in the southern macro-region. Purpose: definition and justification of opportunities for economic growth in modern Russia by increasing the energy efficiency of the economy by the example of the Southen macro-region. Discussion: the author has proposed to identify the relationship of economic growth and energy efficiency in different areas of the Russian Federation, using correlation and regression, and comparative analysis of the dynamics of gross domestic product and its specific energy. Results: exponential regression models, depending on the value of electric capacity of the economy gross domestic product for the Russian Federation, on average, the federal districts and the southern regions, have been developed; comparative analysis of the model parameters has been made; factors of the high-energy intensity of the southern regions economy have been identified. Modernization of the electric grid infrastructure using the technology platform Smart Grid will create the necessary preconditions for economic growth in the southern macro-region.


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How to Cite
Хуршудян, Ш. Г. (2015). Economic growth and increasing energy efficiency in modern Russia: relationship, data analysis and prospects (on the example of the Southern macro-region). Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 185-195. Retrieved from
Regional Economics