The influence of immersive learning on professionally mobile specialists

  • Татьяна Николаевна Панкова
  • Елена Борисовна Ларина
Keywords: professional mobility, immersive learning environments, competence, learning environment


Purpose: this paper objective is purely academic and its scope is limited to enhancement of quality of future research studies in the domains and related fields. Discussion: the article presents a number of professional mobility’s formation specific features under the influence of immersive learning. Results: the key factors and challenges of high school have been highlighted , the main attributes, factors of professional mobility have been analyzed ; a draft of the choice formats’ problem has been made , the problem of training modules, ensuring the effectiveness of the process of formation of professional mobility using immersive learning has been investigated.


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How to Cite
Панкова, Т. Н., & Ларина, Е. Б. (2015). The influence of immersive learning on professionally mobile specialists. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 82-89.