Revisiting the issue of conceptual construct of the theory of entrepreneurship

  • Олег Борисович Пономарев
  • Сергей Геннадьевич Светуньков
Keywords: the entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, theory, motivation, freedom


Purpose: the article is devoted to clear separation of certain terms in the conceptual construct of the theory of entrepreneurship. Discussion: an economy of any country, using the market mechanism of economic management, is inconceivable without entrepreneur and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs correspond to the type of social character of the historical period and society. A set of features of a business person changes in different societies and at different historical periods. Thus, nowadays the main engine of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship is the pursuance of personal freedom through the growth of their own revenues. Results: the authors clarify the definition of an entrepreneur, capitalist, rentiers and artisans and show that they constitute a general class called business people.


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How to Cite
Пономарев, О. Б., & Светуньков, С. Г. (2015). Revisiting the issue of conceptual construct of the theory of entrepreneurship. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 103-114.
Industrial Economics