Methodological aspects of technology development in the context of the technological structures change (on the example of nanotechnology)

  • Даниил Петрович Фролов
  • Дилдарахон Абдисамадовна Шелестова
Keywords: technological development, nanotechnology, general-purpose technologies, transaction technology, technology-related institutions


Purpose: overcoming the methodological contradictions of the technological development theory. Discussion: we analyzed some methodological difficulties and contradictions related to the study of general-purpose technologies, technological structures, scientific and technological progress as a whole, as well as conventionally structuring morphing scientific picture of the economic world as its axial principles. Results: the authors justified the necessity of activating the methodological conventions research focused on the impact of technology-related institutions and transaction technology to the development


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How to Cite
Фролов, Д. П., & Шелестова, Д. А. (2015). Methodological aspects of technology development in the context of the technological structures change (on the example of nanotechnology). Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 113-123.
Economic Development and Growth