Analysis of the dynamic stability of the financial performance of organizations borrowers

  • Дмитрий Александрович Ендовицкий
  • Игорь Владимирович Фролов
Keywords: аnalysis, dynamic stability, borrowers, creditworthiness


Purpose: analysis and modification of the rating estimation procedure.
Discusses: credit portfolios that formed based on the rating evaluation
is very reliable. Rating assessment contains forward-looking component,
through which specified the expected change in the rating of the positive
or negative side. This suggests that the developers of ratings priori known
their weak resistance. Therefore, to obtain a full picture of the reliability
and expected changes in ratings should be a study of the dynamic stability
of the key financial indicators of borrowers. Results: we developed
procedures for determining the creditworthiness of a borrower organization
by identifying the effects of risk- taking. The authors construct an adaptive
model to evaluate the dynamic stability of the financial performance of


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How to Cite
Ендовицкий, Д. А., & Фролов, И. В. (2015). Analysis of the dynamic stability of the financial performance of organizations borrowers. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 32-43.
Financial Economics