Monitoring of the current status and trends of bakeries

  • Ирина Петровна Богомолова
  • Сергей Анатольевич Лоскутов
Keywords: market of bakery products, bakery industry, analysis, evaluation, management


Purpose: the baking industry analysis. Discussion: the authors presented the results of a comprehensive analysis of the raw material potential of the industry market and existing bakeries as well as identified areas for longterm bakery market development in the industrial and consumer levels. In addition, we identified some tendencies of development of the baking industry in the Russian Federation. The authors analyzed the specifics of bakery production, the number of large and medium-sized enterprises in the baking industry in Russia, the profitability of the baking industry for the period from 2008 to 2013. Results: based on the selected features of modern baking industry we developed effective management tools improving the resource saving.


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How to Cite
Богомолова, И. П., & Лоскутов, С. А. (2015). Monitoring of the current status and trends of bakeries. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 63-71.
Industrial Economics