Quality assessment of company business processes functioning based on functional and cognitive modeling

  • Александр Николаевич Леонтьев
Keywords: business process, road transportation, functional model, cognitive model, quality assessment, the qualitative feature


Purpose: the article is devoted to the problem of models, methods and algorithms development for company business processes functioning quality analisys assuming specialities of particular company business processes and cognitive principles of quality formation. Discussion: in this research the author presents company business processes functioning quality assessment model based on functional model. The model represents all main company aspects: resources, management and mechanisms of processes, results of every process and system in common. Quality assessment algorithm and special software for quality analysis are developed. These tools are applied for research of small motor cargo transportation company business processes. This company has some common for small business specialities, for example overlapping professional duties performed by a single employee. The author offers the way to research influence of employees duties division on company business processes functioning quality using developed tools. Results: the main results of this research are creation of the algorithm of company business processes quality change strategies assessment and adoption of this algorithm to research of business processes quality of small motor cargo transportation company.


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How to Cite
Леонтьев, А. Н. (2015). Quality assessment of company business processes functioning based on functional and cognitive modeling. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 44-55. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2015.8/1252
Mathematical Methods in Economics