The estimation of sustainability of social and economic development of the country

  • Шаргия Абасс Аббасова
  • Малахат Шамиль Оруджева Азербайджансий Государственный Экономический Университет
  • Туту Вагиф Оруджева
Keywords: socio-economic development, sustainable development, sustainability indicators


Purpose: develop an approach to the study of the stability of the social and economic development of the country. Discussion: the quality of the socio-economic development of the country can be appreciated by its stability. To assess the sustainability of socio-economic development of the country it is necessary to consider the system of indicators characterizing the levels of consumption and quality of life in line with economic growth. Аccording to some scholars, these indicators can be divided into 3 groups: economic, social and environmental. These indicators should be considered comprehensively, in the overall system and dynamics. Results: we analyzed main indicators of sustainable social and economic development of Azerbaijan in the period from 2000 to 2013th years. These indicators characterize the quality of life of the population and the environment in accordance with the rate of economic growth. Monitoring these indicators in dynamics provides insight into the quality of economic growth for the period. This statistical analysis will provide a comprehensive assessment of the relationship of economic development processes, nature and society.


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How to Cite
Аббасова, Ш. А., Оруджева, М. Ш., & Оруджева, Т. В. (2015). The estimation of sustainability of social and economic development of the country. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 69-75.
International Economics