The economic assessment of expenses in the sphere of dissertation management

  • Семен Давыдович Резник Пензенский государственный университет архитектуры и строительства
  • Ольга Анатольевна Сазыкина Пензенский государственный университет архитектуры и строительства
Keywords: dissertation management, costs, economic evaluation, the shadow market, methodological support


Purpose: we investigate the problem of economic evaluation in the field of cost management dissertation and develop ways to its optimization. Discussion: the results of research allowed to establish the reasons of emergence of the Russian shadow market of dissertation services, in particular: bad financial position of scientists, presence of the wealthy people ready to pay for increase of the social status; granting draft deferment, etc., and also negative consequences of its functioning, namely: decline in quality of dissertation researches, undermining authority of science and decrease in its productivity, falling of prestige of academic degrees. Results of monitoring of expenses of candidates of science at various stages of their formation: training in postgraduate study, preparation and protection of the thesis, etc. testify what even for «conscientious competitors» receiving an academic degree is rather expensive process. Results: we offered some ways of optimization of expenses in system of dissertation management that can be used in activity of the organizations, which operate at post-graduate, doctoral and dissertation councils, as well as by the scientific supervisor and candidates for a degree in the preparation and the protection of dissertations. The article is prepared with financial support of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund, the project No. 13-02-00125a.


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Author Biographies

Семен Давыдович Резник, Пензенский государственный университет архитектуры и строительства

факультет экономики и менеджмента, декан, кафедра "Менеджмент", заведующий кафедрой

Ольга Анатольевна Сазыкина, Пензенский государственный университет архитектуры и строительства

кафедра "Менеджмент", доцент

How to Cite
Резник, С. Д., & Сазыкина, О. А. (2015). The economic assessment of expenses in the sphere of dissertation management. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 112-128.