Conceptual provisions for implementing regional strategies

  • Дмитрий Валерьевич Котов Institute of Strategic Studies of Bashkortostan Republic
  • Диляра Агемаловна Гамилова Institute of Strategic Studies of Bashkortostan Republic
  • Аделя Радиковна Шарипова Institute of Strategic Studies of Bashkortostan Republic
  • Эльза Рустемовна Алексеева Institute of Strategic Studies of Bashkortostan Republic
Keywords: Strategy, strategic planning, regional strategy, regulatory framework, schools of strategic management, management principles, strategy implementation processes, socio-economic development


Purpose: development of the principles for the implementation of the regional strategy, allowing to effectively organize the implementation processes, ensure effective management and coordinate the adoption of strategic decisions. Discussion: in view of the urgency and necessity of developing a scientific methodology for regional strategic planning, we propose an analysis of the regulatory framework and methodological support for strategic planning in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan in the context of existing strategic management schools that will identify the ideology of strategic schools of strategy in each of the Normative documents. Result: we defined the basis for the development and implementation of socio-economic strategy. The practical significance of the results of the work is to formulate the concept of implementing a regional strategy and the possibility of managing the regional social and economic development process, which is used by regional authorities to achieve strategic goals and ensure development priorities.


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How to Cite
Котов, Д. В., Гамилова, Д. А., Шарипова, А. Р., & Алексеева, Э. Р. (2017). Conceptual provisions for implementing regional strategies. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 204-211.
Regional Economics