Strategic economic analysis as the basis scenario forecast

  • Анна Александровна Федченко Voronezh State University
Keywords: strategic economic analysis, SWOT analysis, population social protection, development scenarios


Purpose: the author performs the forward-looking strategic economic analysis. This analysis is the basis of strategy development and scenarios justification of socio-economic development in the whole region and spheres of activity. Strategic economic analysis allows to take into account the influence of decisive factors in the future. Discussion: the author substantiated the expediency of the SWOT-analysis perform and showed the results in relation to the condition study of population social protection in the Voronezh region. Results: the author argued the necessity of the strategic economic analysis application for justification of inertial and
baseline scenarios of development with the specification of their content.


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How to Cite
Федченко, А. А. (2017). Strategic economic analysis as the basis scenario forecast. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5.