The efficiency of the health system as an actual theoretical and economic problem

  • Татьяна Александровна Некрасова Voronezh State Technical University
Keywords: human capital, Human Development Index (HDI), life expectancy, health system, health indicators, health expenditures


Purpose: to consider the main indicators of the functioning of the health care system in Russia and compare them with international values. Analyze the results in the field of health as the main indicators of human development and the quality of life of the population. Discussion: A comparative analysis of health outcomes in countries with very high levels of human development. The rating of the countries of the world on the effectiveness of health systems is analyzed. Results: The main indicators of the functioning of the health care system in Russia are considered, and their comparative analysis with international values ​​is carried out. The necessity of correcting the methodology for calculating the human development index for the main health outcomes of the population, including taking into account the incidence of HIV infection, is substantiated.


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How to Cite
Некрасова, Т. А. (2017). The efficiency of the health system as an actual theoretical and economic problem. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5.
Regional Economics