Mobbing in organization: causes, consequences, formation of the base for statistical analysis

  • Ирина Борисовна Дуракова Voronezh State University
Keywords: mobbing, bossing, bullying, stuffing, statistical analysis of consequences of mobbing in the workplace


Purpose: the interdisciplinary interpretation of mobbing in the workplace and its research from the standpoint of statistics as a public and mass phenomenon. Discussion: the manifestations of various forms of mobbing have received detailed coverage in the scientific literature, profile-oriented to conflictology, sociology, psychotherapy, law. The author showed that the research base for statistical conclusions about the scale of the phenomenon is insufficient. This complicates the work on diagnostics, prevention and prevention. Results: the article systematizes the idea of mobbing as an interdisciplinary phenomenon, shows the classification of mobbing activities based on the group membership of the mobber and the victim, goals of the mobbing actions, the degree of their awareness by the performer; the number of participants and the nature of the course of mobbing attacks, the degree of controllability of the phenomenon, spheres of manifestation; gender affiliation of participants, etc.


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How to Cite
Дуракова, И. Б. (2017). Mobbing in organization: causes, consequences, formation of the base for statistical analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 77-90.
Labour Economics