Statistical research of the professional adaptation problem of cadets and young specialists in the emergency department of Russia

  • Ольга Яковлевна Емельянова Voronezh State University
  • Максим Александрович Кравец Voronezh State University
  • Инга Владимировна Шершень Voronezh Institute of GPS Emercom of Russia
Keywords: professional adaptation, diagnostics, young specialist in the emergency department of Russia


Purpose : the authors identify the problem areas of professional adaptation system of cadets and young specialists in the emergency department of Russia on the basis of a statistical research. Discussion : the authors think that the professional adaptation of cadets and young specialists in the emergency department of Russia has essential specifics. Assessment of adaptation process has to include the broad variety of assessment elements including cultural factors. The writers hypothesize about a high development level of professional adaptation in the emergency department of Russia structure. This hypothesis assumes the existence of the formalized tools and mechanisms of adaptation, interest of the management, inclusiveness in the general system of the training subsystem. The authors conducted a research of problem areas in the professional adaptation system of cadets and young specialists in the emergency department of Russia. Results : the authors synthesized the diagnostic tools of professional adaptation. Besides, the writers identified the most significant adaptation problems. These problems include: high percent of emotionally burned out young specialists; pretentiousness of attention to adaptation and development of young employees; an essential list of organizational culture in the field of the competition; extremely low use level of informal adaptable mechanisms.


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How to Cite
Емельянова, О. Я., Кравец, М. А., & Шершень, И. В. (2017). Statistical research of the professional adaptation problem of cadets and young specialists in the emergency department of Russia. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 32-39.
Labour Economics