The organization of competitive production in the conditions of economic recession machine-building complex

  • Вячеслав Владимирович Решетов Central Chernozem State Engineering University
Keywords: economic growth, organizational maneuver, organizational standard, machine-building complex, resource flows, quality, competitive price, the decline in demand, the recession


Purpose: сonsideration of the economic contradictions between the need for economic growth in the main economic parameters and the presence in the economy the economic effects of the recession. Discussion: in the context of lean production and preservation of the main competitive advantages of preferred caution to reduce congestion focused on using organizational positions to ensure competitiveness. In a recession economy in General and machine building, in particular, through the use of organizational factors to solve the problems of optimization use of resources. The Author's position of understanding the importance and relevance of organizational conditions to minimize current and capital resources while maintaining all the necessary parameters of competitive advantage and slow recession economic phenomena. Results: justified and proved the author's thesis that organizational maneuver is always preferable to any other factors of economic growth and build a competitive advantage in implementing models of organization of competitive production in the conditions of economic recession, the substantial decline in demand and limited resources.


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How to Cite
Решетов, В. В. (2017). The organization of competitive production in the conditions of economic recession machine-building complex. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 41-49.
Industrial Economics