Energy efficiency policy in the Volgograd region: progress and priority growth areas

  • Людмила Юрьевна Богачкова Volgograd State University
  • Надежда Юрьевна Усачева Volgograd State University
  • Елена Евгеньевна Зайцева Volgograd State University
  • Шамам Гарниковна Хуршудян Volgograd State University
Keywords: regional policy of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement in the Russian Federation, progress of energy efficiency policy in the Russian regions, energy saving and energy efficiency improvement in the regions of the Russian Federation


Purpose: comparative analysis of the progress parameters of energy efficiency (EE) policy in the Volgograd region, taking into account the peculiarities of the region’s energy-economic development; identification of growth areas for energy efficiency management in the region. Discussion: evaluation of effectiveness and identification of priority growth areas for energy efficiency policy in the region can be carried out through the use of statistical methods and comparative analysis based on Rosstat (Russian State Statistics Service) data and State reports on energy saving and energy efficiency improvement in the Russian Federation. Results: the effectiveness of energy efficiency policy in the Volgograd region is characterized by the above-average level in such areas, as improving the management system; financial incentives and funding; measures of support. The sphere of technological regulation is at the below-average level. Priority areas for improving the EE policy in the Volgograd region are primarily administrative measures that do not require additional funding. These measures involve the inclusion of energy efficiency indicators in every sector development program in the region; the development of an action plan for energy saving sphere for 2018–2025; the introduction of regional requirements for energy efficiency in construction sector; drawing up an annual regional report on energy saving and energy efficiency in the region.


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How to Cite
Богачкова, Л. Ю., Усачева, Н. Ю., Зайцева, Е. Е., & Хуршудян, Ш. Г. (2017). Energy efficiency policy in the Volgograd region: progress and priority growth areas. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 77-86.
Regional Economics