Theoretical and methodological aspects of perspective development for the regional grain market

  • Валентина Иосифовна Калюк State enterprise «The Institute of system research in agroindustrial complex of the National academy of sciences of Belarus»
Keywords: grain market, commodity offer, steady sale, channels of realization, perspective development


Purpose: the author studies the already existing theoretical and methodological aspects of perspective development for the regional grain market on the example of the Grodno region of Belarus Republic and offers the new development directions. Discussion: the grain market is a fundamental element both in the system of functioning for all agro-industrial complex, and in the system of ensuring food security for the country. As a result the author offers a number of the directions for his further productive work. Results: the author investigated and analyzed the current state of the regional grain market, revealed the reserves of increase in the commodity offer, offered the perspective structural model of grain realization channels. All of the above results allowed to develop conceptual model of perspective development for the regional grain market.


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How to Cite
Калюк, В. И. (2018). Theoretical and methodological aspects of perspective development for the regional grain market. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 115-125.
Agricultural Economics