Development of infrastructure of agrifood market: foreign experience

  • Елена Викторовна Сальникова Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central Chernozem region of the Russian Federation
  • Елена Александровна Попова Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central Chernozem region of the Russian Federation
  • Наталья Юрьевна Полунина Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central Chernozem region of the Russian Federation
  • Инесса Игоревна Чернышева Научно-исследовательский институт экономики и организации агропромышленного комплекса Центрально-Черноземного района Российской Федерации
Keywords: infrastructure, agrifood market, wholesale food markets, exchanges, distribution centers, information services


Purpose: Article is devoted to generalization of the facts of foreign experience of creation and functioning of infrastructure of the agrifood market and identification of opportunities of its application in modern conditions of development of the do-mestic agrifood market. Discussion: The importance of existence in the agrifood market of the developed infrastructure is proved by need of rational distribution of production and finishing her from the producer to the end user in the required time and the place, in necessary quality and quantity that, unfortunately, in the Russian market isn't observed now. In this regard studying of experience of foreign coun-tries in which functioning of infrastructure promotes increase in the general effec-tiveness of the marketing and information elements of infrastructure which haven't gained due de-velopment in the Russian conditions. Results: Authors on the basis of the carried-out analysis of foreign experience of development of infrastructure of the agrifood market have defined conditions of use of separate infrastructure elements in the domestic market.


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How to Cite
Сальникова, Е. В., Попова, Е. А., Полунина, Н. Ю., & Чернышева, И. И. (2018). Development of infrastructure of agrifood market: foreign experience. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 100-108.
Agricultural Economics