Partnership between companies and educational institutions as a condition of successful career counseling and future employment of students

  • Наталья Дмитриевна Паршикова Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Keywords: career, guidance, social partnership, educational institutions, employers, educational cluster, labor market


Purpose: the author proves the relevance of the partnership between employers and educational institutions for the successful career counseling and future employment of students. Discussion: the author studied foreign experience of cooperation between business and education institutions. The paper presents the results of a study monitoring of education markets and organizations of current forms of social partnership based on employers’ surveys. results: the author proposed the measures for effective interaction the main parties participating in career guidance of youth taking into account their activity analysis.


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How to Cite
Паршикова, Н. Д. (2018). Partnership between companies and educational institutions as a condition of successful career counseling and future employment of students. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 38-48.
Labour Economics