The public-private partnership relevance for the higher education in the region development

  • Игорь Ефимович Рисин Voronezh State University
  • Людмила Александровна Козуб Voronezh State University
Keywords: public-private partnership relevance, development, the higher school of the region, needs, internal and external environment


Purpose: the authors substantiate the public-private partnership relevance for the higher education in the region development. Discussion: the authors associate the public-private partnership relevance for the higher education in the region development with the identification of needs, the satisfaction of which can be effectively implemented through the development and implementation of public-private partnership projects with its participation. The authors offer the systematic version of such needs formed in the internal and external environment of universities: in the continuing education development, regional asymmetry reduction in the educational services provision, overcoming the lack of funding for the process of material and technical base updating for training and research, the innovative system of universities development, the growth of resource provision and the results of innovative activities in the industrial organizations, improving the integrity of the region's economy through the integration of resources and actions of partnership participants. Results: the authors identified and substantially disclosed the needs for the higher education in the region development, the satisfaction of which can be effectively implemented through the use of public-private partnership potential.


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How to Cite
Рисин, И. Е., & Козуб, Л. А. (2018). The public-private partnership relevance for the higher education in the region development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 92-106.
Regional Economics