Development of territories as a driver of region economic growth

  • Руслан Валентинович Друзин Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
  • Александр Сергеевич Ванюшкин Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
Keywords: development, redevelopment, territories, region, autonomy, growth point, driver of economic growth


Purpose: the authors analyzed the existing ideas of territories development to become a driver of economic growth for a region in the article. Discussion: One of such ideas is redevelopment of not used industrial territories of cities and towns. The success of this idea depends on a chosen variant of such territories use. Results: the authors showed that the variants of their conversion to residential and office real estate, trading and entertaining centers contain significant risks of not enough demand and excessive competition. Likewise the authors marked that the variant of conversion of such territories to technological parks contains high risks of their residents small number, as well as it depends on level of scientific and industrial potential of a region. Also the authors substantiated that the most actual are the conversion ideas of not used industrial territories to logistic centers (hubs), multilevel parking, as well as to centers of «offshore programming». Similarly the authors formed the new concept of agricultural territories development. In addition the authors substantiated that development of agricultural territories with low transport and recreation potential should be based on the idea of creating ecological settlements , closely related with implementing organic agriculture, building energy-efficient residential real estate, production of natural medicaments, agricultural, industrial and medical tourism and related educational service.


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How to Cite
Друзин, Р. В., & Ванюшкин, А. С. (2018). Development of territories as a driver of region economic growth. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 113-122.
Regional Economics