Procedural support of managerial accounting of the investment business project in the production sphere

  • Евгений Александрович Бельянинов Voronezh State University
  • Светлана Викторовна Булгакова Voronezh State University
Keywords: management accounting, business project, procedural support


Purpose: the authors aim to develop management accounting procedures organized by an economic entity in the implementation of the investment business project in the production sector. Differentiation of the stages of budgeting investments, income, expenses, tax burden, cash flow dynamics, financial results, the balance sheet of the production business project. Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment in the production business project. Discussion: the successful implementation of the concept of management for business projects, it is necessary to develop an adequate procedural system for management accounting, which can be presented as accounting for business projects of an economic entity. The authors propose to identify these procedures on the example of an investment project for the construction of a cannery. The totality of the procedures under consideration creates the basis for strategic management, information and analytical support for making strategically oriented decisions, and the stable functioning of an economic entity in a competitive business environment. Results: the authors propose the set of management accounting procedures for an investment business project forms interconnections between budgeting and strategic management. It reflects the budget process algorithm for the elements of the value chain of an investment business project. The article contains the indicators of the budgetary procedure of management accounting for project activities to assess the effectiveness of investments in a business project of the production sector.


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How to Cite
Бельянинов, Е. А., & Булгакова, С. В. (2019). Procedural support of managerial accounting of the investment business project in the production sphere. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 84-100.