The role of universities in formation and development of the innovation system of the region, the country, the world economic space

  • Виктория Евгеньевна Панченко Voronezh State University
Keywords: cognitive economy, innovative environment, higher education institutions, indicators of social well-being, the principle of indicativity, triple helix


Purpose: to study of the chain of cognitive economy's creative values. The object of the study is the organization of higher education as a Central element of the knowledge-based economy. Discussion: the University is a subsystem and at the same time the core of the industry level in the field of research and development, the regional level, the national level and the world. According to the concept of the «Triple helix» it is necessary to have harmonious interaction between universities, business structures and government as a way to intensify innovative development and entrepreneurship, generation, transfer and application of knowledge and technology, for commercialization of research and development in the country's economy. Results: the classification of the values of cognitive economy is developed in the research, the matrix of the nature of the influence of the levels of the innovation system on each other is developed. It is concluded that higher education is a key element in the formation of the innovation system;


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How to Cite
Панченко, В. Е. (2019). The role of universities in formation and development of the innovation system of the region, the country, the world economic space. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 101-110.
Economic systems