The reserves of corporate competitiveness: methods of analysis and evaluation

  • Елена Александровна Щетинина St. Petersburg state technological Institute (technical University)
Keywords: corporation, corporate competitiveness, community expectations, reserves of corporate competitiveness, advantages of corporations


Purpose: the article aims to develop scientific and methodological tools for studying and disclosing the reserves of corporate competitiveness arising from the very essence of corporatism, by which we understand the legal and socio-ethical properties of corporations as large systems that can significantly affect security, collective demand, standard of living, business and social environment, including natural. Discussion: a full-fledged business system of up-to-date corporation, which we want to form, and first of all, in Russia is not studied to the full, is extremely complex, polymeric, possessing-in theory-all the features of new socio-economic models of a progressive type and multi-level sources of economic growth, provided that it will form and lead to the goal of its corporate system in accordance with universal laws and not repeal principles of development of complex systems and taking into account the high degree of adequacy to the realities – not even today, but in the future. Results: the author proposes the tools of analysis and evaluation of reserves of corporate competitiveness on the basis of conceptual principles of social and ethical marketing and community expectations. The article also contains the hypothesis that the specific properties of a Corporation as a special structure generate specific reserves of its competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Щетинина, Е. А. (2019). The reserves of corporate competitiveness: methods of analysis and evaluation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 97-107.