Comparative evaluation of the analysis methods for marketing activities of the economic subject

  • Денис Юрьевич Чушкин Voronezh management of the Federal antimonopoly service in Russia
Keywords: competitiveness, marketing activities, marketing research methods, questioning, survey, models of the simulation method


Purpose: the author conducts a comparative assessment of analysis methods for marketing activities to improve the competitiveness of economic entities. Discussion: analysis methods for marketing activities are a combination of various methods, techniques and mechanisms for conducting marketing research. In the future, the researcher will make the choice of those or other analysis methods of marketing activities, taking into account the purposes of the analysis, as well as opportunities for its implementation. When choosing a specific method, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of obtaining internal and external information, the technical capabilities of its implementation, likelihood of obtaining an accurate result. Results: there are a large number of methods for conducting marketing analysis, each of them includes specific techniques. The choice of method depends primarily on the goals and type of marketing analysis and on the resource capabilities of its implementation.


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How to Cite
Чушкин, Д. Ю. (2019). Comparative evaluation of the analysis methods for marketing activities of the economic subject. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 42-49.