Problems of control of execution of requirements, regulating competitive relations on the example of minimization of entrepreneurial risks by individual construction of real estate

  • Виталий Геннадьевич Попов Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Voronezh Region
  • Никита Михайлович Федирчук Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the Voronezh Region
Keywords: competition, antitrust regulation, housing construction market, minimizing business risks, a group of persons, a register of small and medium-sized businesses


Purpose: the economic nature and content of individual ways of minimizing business risks by the largest actors in the construction of residential real estate in the city district of Voronezh through imaginary competition and the “fragmentation” of business. Discussion: analysis of one of the ways of leaving the housing construction market entities from administrative responsibility at the expense of obtaining the status of a small or medium-sized business based on the analysis of regulatory legal acts governing the maintenance of the register of small and medium-sized businesses by tax authorities, identifying deficiencies in approaches to determining subjects in the registry, a system analysis of the norms of classifying business entities to one group of persons in accordance with the requirements of antitrust laws. Results: the article contains proposals to change the model of the formation of the register of small and medium-sized businesses, the role of antitrust and tax authorities in initiating inspections of business entities - the largest developers.


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How to Cite
Попов, В. Г., & Федирчук, Н. М. (2019). Problems of control of execution of requirements, regulating competitive relations on the example of minimization of entrepreneurial risks by individual construction of real estate. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 151-166.
Regional Economics