Development of Russian foreign economic relations with Africa under the conditions of international competition

  • Кирилл Андреевич Алешин Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: foreign economic activity, export promotion, government, assistance, bilateral relations, trade, investment, concept, strategy, Africa, Egypt, Russian Export Center


Purpose: the author aims to identify obstacles to the development of Russian-African economic relations in the context of international competition, to offer options for their elimination, to develop mechanisms to enhance interaction. Discussion: the author analyzes the existing policy documents that systematize the goals and objectives of Russia in Africa, as well as the barriers hindering the dynamic expansion of economic relations. Results: the author concludes that for the multifaceted development of cooperation between Russia and the African states it is necessary: to develop a unified trade and investment strategy; to implement a number of initiatives aimed at providing greater range of information services to the representatives of the Russian government and business; to optimize the foreign economic activity support system and mechanisms, designed for the Russian companies doing or planning business in Africa.


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How to Cite
Алешин, К. А. (2019). Development of Russian foreign economic relations with Africa under the conditions of international competition. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 18-27.
International Economics