Analysis of methodological approaches of estimation of economic safety of enterprises

  • Ирина Анатольевна Сергеева Penza State University
  • Сергей Юрьевич Чунаев Penza State University
Keywords: economic security assessment, financial failure, functional approach, diagnostics, threat prediction, indicators


Purpose: to analize of modern approaches to assessing economic security and determining the possibility of forming a flexible approach that will allow us to provide a reliable and objective assessment of the enterprise’s activities. Discussion: the adoption of management decisions by the management of the enterprise on the basis of an unreliable and subjective approach leads to the bankruptcy of the main sector of the Russian economy. The article describes the main shortcomings of the existing theoretical approaches to assessing the economic security of an enterprise, and also substantiates the ineffectiveness of applying such methods in practice. Based on the analysis, the basic requirements necessary for a reliable approach to assessing the economic security of the enterprise are determined. Results: the author proposed a method for modifying a functional approach that would allow an objective and more reliable diagnosis of the state, namely the economic security of an enterprise. In particular, the algorithm for modeling the system for diagnosing the level of economic security of an enterprise has been formed, on the basis of which the modified functional approach is based.


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How to Cite
Сергеева, И. А., & Чунаев, С. Ю. (2019). Analysis of methodological approaches of estimation of economic safety of enterprises. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 64-78.