Economic aspects of rural development regulation

  • Миршарип Хасанович Газетдинов Kazan State Agrarian University
  • Ольга Сергеевна Семичева Kazan State Agrarian University
  • Шамиль Миршарипович Газетдинов Kazan State Agrarian University
Keywords: economic relations, rural areas, small and medium business, standard of living


Purpose: the article aims to consider the aspects of development of rural territories in the conditions of change of the intra territorial economic relations at the level of municipal districts. Discussion: the analytical part contains top trends of development of agrarian production in the Republic of Tatarstan. In particular, it is a trend of growth of gross output of agricultural industry, gross income on one worker, growth of the salary, etc. At the same time the authors reveal the reduction of number of educational, medical, cultural and trade and household institutions that finally leads to reduction of number of a rural population. The article also contains the improvement of the need of special attention to the intra territorial economic relations at the level of rural districts. The integrated approach providing both creation of modern infrastructure, and creation of the knowledge-intensive and competitive productions of a full cycle on processing of agricultural products is necessary for increase in appeal of rural territories. Results: the authors come to the conclusion that productive and economic transformations have to be carried out on the basis of system approach to the intra territorial economic relations in rural territories between bodies of municipal management and production and economic subjects; the article also contains the basic principles of their interaction.


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How to Cite
Газетдинов, М. Х., Семичева, О. С., & Газетдинов, Ш. М. (2019). Economic aspects of rural development regulation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 112-120.
Agricultural Economics