Formation of the methodology of estimation of efficiency of industrial enterprises, functioning on the territory of industrial parks

  • Ольга Леонидовна Симченко Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov
Keywords: benchmarking, analysis of the operational environment (ASF), production vector, linear-linear programming problem, production object (PO), input parameters, output parameters, efficiency boundary, resources, efficiency estimation algorithm


Purpose: to develop an optimal methodology for solving the problems of assessing the performance of industrial enterprises-residents of industrial parks on the basis of an analysis of the operational environment (ASF). Discussion: the existing approaches to the assessment of the efficiency of industrial enterprises on the basis of various domestic and foreign sources are reviewed, and arguments are made about the appropriateness of applying this methodology. The theoretical part contains the formulation of the problem, a description of the theoretical concept of the research, and the main methodological positions are revealed. Results: the author defines the minimum requirements for the evaluation of the efficiency of industrial enterprises using the ASF method, presents an approximate set of input and output parameters that exerts the greatest influence on the production process, and also compiles an algorithm to obtain an objective assessment of the efficiency of industrial enterprises operating in the territory of industrial parks by the parameters under consideration .


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How to Cite
Симченко, О. Л. (2018). Formation of the methodology of estimation of efficiency of industrial enterprises, functioning on the territory of industrial parks. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 50-60.
Industrial Economics