Directions of paymentability analysis

  • Надежда Филипповна Щербакова Voronezh State University
Keywords: liquidity, solvency, stages of analysis, rhythm, uniformity, suffi-ciency of funds, net cash flow


Purpose: the author considers the directions of comprehensive economical analysis for organization solvency with the use of accounting data and internal information of the investigated organization. A comprehensive economic analysis of solvency allows to identify excess cash for economic information users, which affects the financial condition of the organization. In a market economy, free cash should be in circulation and ensure the possibility of obtaining economic benefits, which will in the future guarantee investment, social policy, etc. The determination of the cash deficit enable to make timely informed management decisions aimed at eliminating the threat of possible bankruptcy. Discussion: the author presents the approaches of leading scientists to the understanding of solvency, factors affecting data analysis in the article. Also the author substantiated stages, indicators, solvency assessment. Currently, there is no single approach to the organization’s solvency analysis, one of the components of which is the parametric and informational aspects. The use of various information resources in the analysis process allows to expand the system of indicators characterizing solvency, and thus more objectively assess the organization's ability to repay its obligations for economic information users. Results: the author substantiates a system of indicators for assessing the solvency of an organization, based on external and internal reporting data, provides a methodology for analyzing the organization under study, and provides an interpretation of the analysis results. In addiction the author offer the method of calculating indicators according to the balance sheet, cash flow statement, analytical and accounting data. The results of the analysis in these areas enable to answer the question about the magnitude of liquidity ratios, cash inflows and outflows by types of operations, cash adequacy, efficiency of their use, uniformity and rhythm of their movement.


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How to Cite
Щербакова, Н. Ф. (2019). Directions of paymentability analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 70-82.