Modern assessment of the demand in the food market of central black soil macroregion

  • Елена Викторовна Сальникова Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central Chernozem area of the Russian Federation
  • Евгений Владимирович Воронов Scientific research Institute of Economics and organization of Agroindustrial complex of Central Chernozem area of the Russian Federation
Keywords: food consumption, demand, areas of the Central Chernozem macroregion, needy population, living wage, income of the population


Purpose: the article deals with the comparative analysis of indicators, which characterize and influence the demand for food in the regions of the Central black earth macroregion. It also aims to identify the features and problems of the food market and food supply. Discussion: demand, representing one of elements of the food market, can be an indicator of efficiency and effectiveness of the market. The analysis of the indicators characterizing demand allows revealing the problems in-terfering physical and economic availability of food to the population. The detec-tion of factors that have the greatest impact on the population's food consumption (demand) will allow making management decisions that contribute to the devel-opment of measures to improve the food supply of the population, which, in turn, is an important indicator of the socio-economic situation in the region and the country in general. Results: on the basis of the carried-out assessment of consump-tion, income and expenses of the population in the Central Chernozem area areas the authors established high dependence of qualitative and quantitative characteris-tics of demand for food on income of households and food prices.


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How to Cite
Сальникова, Е. В., & Воронов, Е. В. (2019). Modern assessment of the demand in the food market of central black soil macroregion. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 105-114.
Agricultural Economics