The Russian export flows: does only the geographical distance matter?

  • Игорь Александрович Новиков Far Eastern Federal University
  • Наталья Дмитриевна Лихарева Far Eastern Federal University
Keywords: psychic distance, psychic distance stimuli, export, manufactured goods, primary products


Purpose: the authors analyze the influence of psychic distance stimuli on Russian export flows. Discussion: сhanges in world market conditions lead to the fact that the indicators for its assessment also change over time. Today, in connection with the development of transport, information and communication technologies, accelerating the pace of globalization and internationalization, the importance of geographical distance indicators and the size of the economy when choosing a trading partner is increasingly fading into the background. In the modern world, the main criterion for organizing foreign trade cooperation is the interethnic differences of partners. The number of studies in the field of psychic distance at the micro and macro levels has grown in recent years, but this topic remains poorly investigated in the Russian context. Results: the authors presented the research results of the psychic distance stimuli influence on export flows of the Russian Federation to 93 countries. In addiction the authors tested the relationship between the psychic distance stimuli and the volume of exports using a regression analysis and showed the effect of the psychic distance stimuli on the export of raw and manufactured goods. The results confirmed the hypothesis about the different effects of psychological distance on raw and manufactured goods. The effect of particular stimuli of psychological distance on manufactured goods is revealed.


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How to Cite
Новиков, И. А., & Лихарева, Н. Д. (2019). The Russian export flows: does only the geographical distance matter?. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 58-71.
International Economics