The process of the food system functioning for the Kazakhstan republic

  • Александр Анатольевич Пягай Turan-Astana University
  • Маржан Абдешевна Уразгалиева Baishev University
  • Махаббат Калдыбаевна Искакова Turan-Astana University
Keywords: food system, agricultural sector, sustainability


Purpose: the authors consider the functioning of the Kazakhstan food system and identify the problems of its sustainability. Discussion: the paper examines the main quantitative indicators of agricultural production, and the dynamics of the formation and use of food resources. In relation to the problem under study, stability is the ability of the system to adapt to constantly changing factors of the external and internal environment. Therefore, the project considers strengthening the sustainability of the food system as a process that takes into account the current situation and is based on the latest innovations. The process governing the transition to sustainable food and agriculture involves the ability of all actors to adapt to change. Results: the authors conducted an evaluation of the sustainability for the domestic food system, based on quantitative and qualitative indicators. The offered evaluation can be used to develop measures of program-targeting at the state, regional levels of development, food systems, and to solve the issue of growth sustainability of Republic food security.


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How to Cite
Пягай, А. А., Уразгалиева, М. А., & Искакова, М. К. (2019). The process of the food system functioning for the Kazakhstan republic. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 72-81.
International Economics