Bureaucratic barriers in the process of social and economic development of modern Russia

  • Виктор Александрович Смышляев Voronezh state technical University
  • Ирина Ивановна Яреско Voronezh State University
Keywords: institutional «traps», bureaucratic barriers, functions of bureaucratic barriers, barrier-building, transaction costs


Purpose: to investigate and clarify the economic essence of bureaucratic barriers, to identify the main factors influencing the formation of bureaucratic barriers, and to analyze their impact on the process and pace of socio-economic development of Russia. Discussion: the main theoretical propositions about bureaucratic barriers are considered, and their influence on the process and dynamics of social and economic development of the Russian Federation is shown. Results: the authors clarified and concretized the essence and specificity of bureaucratic barriers, showed and characterized their types, proposed a classification of the main factors affecting the formation of bureaucratic barriers.


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How to Cite
Смышляев, В. А., & Яреско, И. И. (2019). Bureaucratic barriers in the process of social and economic development of modern Russia. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 130-138. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2019.10/2232
Economic Development and Growth