Prospects for the development of the aviation services in the european region

  • Александр Иванович Удовиченко Voronezh State University
  • Артем Владимирович Куцов Voronezh State University
Keywords: economic situation, aviation companies and holdings, strategic development, SWOT-analysis, effective activity


Purpose : the article aims to research business strategies of leading European players in the field of passenger and cargo transportations identify the most successful holding management models and factors slow down development of competitive environment. Discussion : 2008 global financial crisis significantly changed the landscape of the aviation services market in EU region. Participants not ready for currency fluctuations left the market, resistant corporations rethought business management strategies. At the same time single EU policy aimed to prevent cartel collusions and the activity of trade unions were others negative factors. Analysis is based on EU official documents in sphere of aviation industry, annual reports of key EU aviation organizations – «Air France – KLM» и «Lufthansa Aviation Group», road maps and development strategies based on SWOT-analysis. Results : SWOT analysis of leading EU companies demonstrate positive/negative factors of business models, identify financial threats, segment conditions for further sustainable development of aviation holdings.


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How to Cite
Удовиченко , А. И., & Куцов , А. В. (2020). Prospects for the development of the aviation services in the european region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 8-26.
International Economics