Moscow – Voronezh. Similarity and differences of students respect to science and scientists

  • Наталья Анатольевна Винокурова Central Economics & Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ирина Семеновна Гудович Voronezh State University
Keywords: students of megacities, regional differences, career plans, attitudes towards science, attitudes toward high technologies, representations about the work of scientists


Purpose : the authors conduct the comparative analysis of the interest in science and scientists among two cities students – Moscow and Voronezh, identifying the reasons for the desire or unwillingness to work in this area and the respect for science, assessing the differences in the potential of the youth arrival into science of these cities. Discussion : the article is based on the sociological survey materials of Voronezh and Moscow students in 2017 year. It is a continuation of works, the results of which were published by the authors in 2018 and 2019 years. Since the desire to become a scientist connected with the chosen specialty, student groups of the same specialty were formed for comparative analysis. The authors of the work believe that the young people arrival into science will mainly occur in megacities with respected institutions of higher education and with high potential for economic development. It is also assumed that the difference between megacities as centers of science may be significant. Therefore, in this study, regional differences in students' attitudes towards science and scientists, in their desire (or unwillingness) to choose science as a sphere of employment, are studied using two megapolises – Moscow and Voronezh. The paper analyzes the differences in conditions for the development of science in both cities. Results : the study revealed that the priority for youth employment is the area of management and finance in both cities. However, the difference between Voronezh and Moscow students in relation to science and the perspective of the scientific career is significant: Muscovites and Voronezh students represent two different groups of young people. According to the Maslow scale, Muscovites have the higher level of needs. Their interest in science and the desire to work in this area are higher than among Voronezh residents. For Voronezh residents, material needs are more relevant, which is explained by a lower living standard. At the same time, Voronezh students are more socially oriented: they are ready to work for the benefit of people. They may be called statesmen: they are interested in the development of high technologies, new equipment for industry and new types of weapons more than Muscovites.


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How to Cite
Винокурова , Н. А., & Гудович , И. С. (2020). Moscow – Voronezh. Similarity and differences of students respect to science and scientists. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 40-53.