Features of regulation of advertising of financial services in Russia: history of formation, practice of law and actual problems

  • Андрей Борисович Кашеваров Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: advertising, financial services, antitrust authorities, violations in the field of advertising


Purpose: analysis of violations in the advertising of financial services and decisions of antitrust authorities, a study of law enforcement practice. Discussion: the features of regulation of advertising of financial services in the Russian Federation are examined. In particular, the history of the formation of this regulation is studied, the current regulatory framework of such regulation, the law enforcement practice of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and current problems in this area are studied. Results: the analysis of the history of the formation of regulation of advertising financial services allows us to track the consistent desire of lawmakers to the goal of ensuring the development of markets based on competition and consumer protection. In modern conditions, the increasing growth of violations in the advertising of financial services can help to tighten the requirements for this advertising, as well as liability for violation of the requirements.


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How to Cite
Кашеваров , А. Б. (2020). Features of regulation of advertising of financial services in Russia: history of formation, practice of law and actual problems. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 8-20. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.6/2380
Financial Economics