The role of clusters in increasing the competitiveness of the Russian electronic industry in the global market of high-tech products

  • Инна Сергеевна Прохорова State University of Management
  • Анастасия Юрьевна Рассказова State University of Management
Keywords: electronic industry, cluster, components, electronics, competitiveness, high-tech products


Purpose: to analyze the problem of increasing the competitiveness of the electronic industry as one of the drivers of high-tech exports. Discussion: the method of analysis includes determining the place and role of the electronic industry in ensuring the country's competitiveness, studying the structure of the global microelectronics market, the structure of the main consumers of the electronic industry in Russia, studying the strategy for the development of a Cluster of electronic devices, materials and components. Russia is poorly represented in the global microelectronics market, which indicates that there is no competitive civil technology products in the industry. The main problems of Russian electronics are the focus on the military-industrial complex and the weak development of the civil sector of industries, especially in the IT sector. The formation of a Cluster of electronic devices, materials and components is due to the strategic goal of Russia's technological leadership in the fifth technological order. The main type of the developed innovative product of the cluster, which has a significant export potential, is synthetic sapphire. At the same time, there is a threat to maintain positions in the international market due to the increase in the share of Chinese companies in the market niche of synthetic sapphires and the lack of a strategy of state support for Russian sapphires. Results: the cluster development strategy is related to the systematic development of information-analytical and consulting services in the field of intellectual property protection, especially in the energy sector.


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How to Cite
Прохорова, И. С., & Рассказова, А. Ю. (2020). The role of clusters in increasing the competitiveness of the Russian electronic industry in the global market of high-tech products. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 70-81.
International Economics