Certain aspects of evaluating the efficiency of the processes of digitalization of the chemical industry

  • Николай Сергеевич Кулясов State University of Management
  • Никита Николаевич Гринев D. Mendeleev University of Chemical technology of Russia
Keywords: digitalization, chemical industry, results of intellectual activity, performance evaluation


Purpose: to reveal the methodological provisions of the author's approach to assessing the effectiveness of the digitalization processes of the chemical industry. Discussion: management of digitalization processes within the chemical industry is a complex complex multi-factorial process involving the use of various methodological approaches based on the analysis of a set of performance indicators. The approach considered in the article, based on the analysis of digitalization indicators at the macro, meso and micro levels, does not fully reflect the analysis and consideration of the effects of using the results of intellectual activity. Results: author’s methodological additions and recommendations were developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the results of intellectual activity within the framework of processes for managing the digitalization of the chemical industry. This result has the following scientific potential: the application of these methodological provisions allows us to develop and describe recommendations for the distribution of effects from digitalization; choose the methods of participation and registration of relations in the framework of using the results of intellectual activity; identify further directions for the development of digitalization products and ways to participate in the distribution of effects from the results of intellectual activity; describe and demonstrate tools that can provide maximum effects from the use of the results of intellectual activity.


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How to Cite
Кулясов, Н. С., & Гринев, Н. Н. (2020). Certain aspects of evaluating the efficiency of the processes of digitalization of the chemical industry. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 118-127. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.7/2401
Industrial Economics